Establishing the Lazarus Narrative. To the human eye, Donald Trump is destined to lose the US Presidential elections. As corrupt state governors and judges, mainstream media, big tech, Hollywood celebrity cultists, communist Democrats and anarchist rioters combined forces en masse against him, Trump stood no chance. In fact, the first four years of the Trump presidency never saw any peaceful transition. There was no abating the Democrat propaganda attack, only biased news can be watched via CNN and other MSM hacks, and yes even Twitter and Facebook together silenced any and all factual news articles that did not suit their socialist agenda.
With the Democrat election fraud and manipulation schemes in full swing, Trump was truly bound to lose. They did not want him in office. For them he did not fit their type of charismatic socialist leader. To them he’s nothing but a teabag that needs to be discarded fast. And they also had the nerve to unconstitutionally declare Joe Biden as President-elect. All these, to disenfranchise the real decision makers of the elections – the American voters.
The forces that oppose Trump established a narrative so believable that propaganda became facts to the global citizenry. It would be safe to say that chance readers of this article also hate Trump – given how the media has portrayed him. My suggestion? Stop watching CCP China sponsored CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Bloomberg and Fox News for a time. These American news outfits are tainted with Communist money and can no longer serve you the truthful and honest news (See my article about MSM and Communism in the US f). Try to subscribe to other news outlets to receive factual news. Check Project Veritas, NTD, Newsmax, OAN, Epoch Times and others you’ll get the real election news.
To believe the Leftist narrative is to accept that Donald Trump is defeated. Joe Biden, the unconstitutionally declared President-elect is now President of the United States of America.
Admittedly, it’s easy to agree with all the news that we receive. But wait, let’s fact-check that first!
As we wrote previously in November (see article g), we stated that the 2020 US elections will likely go through the US Supreme Court. Yesterday, the state of Texas – together with 18 American states, sued to question the doubtful results of the four battleground states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan) before the highest court in the US. In question were the unconstitutional state laws implemented that allowed massive electoral cheating. However, just today, the Supreme Court en banc ruled that Texas had no standing in filing and dismissed the case. “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections”, according to the SC memo.
At first glance this is a resounding defeat for Donald Trump and his electoral disputes. But you’ll have to look at it in a way that the court did not reject the case based on merits. They dismissed it since they believe Texas should not be the one filing the case. Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani stated, “The answer to that is to bring the case now in the district court by the president, by some of the electors, alleging the same facts where there would be standing and therefore get a hearing.” This means that the President and the electors should be the ones filing the case to claim aggrieved status, so that the courts would have legal grounds to hear the cases filed. The big takeaway here is that since the electoral dispute reached the highest court, other ballot fraud disputes filed by the Trump campaign (ballots without signature and statewide cheating), and allegations of result manipulations against Smartmatic and Dominion will likely be part of the cases that they will file. Either way, the District courts and the Supreme Court can hear and decide on the cases filed by Trump and the electors. And when the courts start hearing the cases and look at the evidence of fraud, the real battle for the presidential results is up for grabs. The real results in the four swing states will decide the next US President. We can say that anyone can win from here on.
Now let’s define the meaning of “Narrative”. As per Merriam-Webster, “narrative is a way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values.” This particular point of view walks into a specific pathway in which you’d like your viewers or readers to walk into. Much like leading people to see and believe a story, the way you want them to interpret and absorb it. And this is where, you see time and time again, that media spin plays the major role. And with this narrative tool, they have shaped the view of the global spectator to hate on Donald Trump, using the constant stream of half-truths and character assassination.
Best example of media and big tech controlling the narrative was the gripping censor of corruption news about Joe Biden’s son Hunterh. They also did not report on the majority of election fraud news and multiple state litigations to brainwash the public that Biden won uncontestedi. Lastly, you may have noticed those fact checkers that constantly censor content in the search engines, news feeds, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. They constantly censor Trump or any articles that may be detrimental to Joe Biden and the Democrats. Recently, it was revealed that these fact checkers are actually funded by a CCP China owned companyj.
Mainstream Media, Big Tech and the Communist Democrats consistently peddle their “Narrative of Lies”. They are here to deceive the populace, to steal the elections, and to establish their own socialist utopia (see article g).
And yet despite these gargantuan monsters of narratives that they had disseminated, there is one narrative maker whom they will never be able to stop. Throughout history God has continuously shaped and reversed narratives despite overwhelming odds.
Enter – the Lazarus Narrative.
God, the God of the Bible, steps-in to establish righteousness and save the people from wickedness in society time and time again. There were times in history when God did it in clutch moments to highlight His sovereignty and might over the enemy and it’s agents.
Let’s check the following clutch events in biblical history:
With the wicked plans of the leftist mob in full view of the world, what a time we are in to witness a possible establishment of the Lazarus narrative.
To be clear we are not categorically saying that God will make Donald Trump win the US elections. As a Christian, I believe that God is indeed moving to stop the American Communists (AOC, Ilhan Omar, Obama and Kamala for example) and the Democrats from continuing their wanton act of murdering innocent babies through forced abortion of up to nine months (now likely at 60 million innocents killed since 1973 d). The Democrats and the Leftist mob have also expressed their willingness to limit the belief and the professing of faith in God through numerous bills in the past. They want socialism to flourish, and to take God out of America. Just like how they do it in China and in North Korea. Democrats also hate Israel, and they love Iran so much, Obama gave the Persians a tranche of cash in billions of US dollars! e Lastly, they have brought in the detestable worship of Molech (Baal) through abortion and Hollywood occult, and even placed an arch of Baal in the United States grounds a b. They have also allowed Satanic prayers in the city halls c (I will discuss these in a future article).
That is why I believe that Trump will win (notwithstanding that he was really cheated in the four battleground states, so he won but was cheated overnight!). He is the lone barrier that halts the wave of wickedness that threatens to engulf America.
And if God wills not to make Trump win, then He has a different plan for America and the world. Nevertheless, as written in the Bible, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king, ‘O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up.'” – Daniel 3:16-18. Yes, we will continue to follow God and we’ll wait for His mighty deliverance.
No matter what the results will be, we’re just excited as to how God can turn things around to reject the power of the enemy in the last minute. Just like in the time of Elijah when all the prophets of Baal converged to worship the false deity, God showed His power to turn the hearts of the Israelites back to Him via a fire that came down from heaven. What a surprise! And if Trump comes back from this debacle and rises from the ashes just like Lazarus did (against all odds and against all evil schemes), then you would know yourself that such an event could only be the masterpiece of the divine one.
- The Verge “Syrian Arch razed by ISIS and recreated with 3D technology arrives in New York City” a
- UPI News “Palmyra, Syria, arch threatened by Islamic State to be recreated in London, NYC” b
- Washington Post “Satanist opens city council meeting, and, well, just watch “ c
- Des Moines Fact Checker “FACT CHECK: 50 million abortions claim checks out” d
- Washington Post “Was Obama’s $1.7 billion cash deal with Iran prohibited by U.S. law?” e
- THE11thROCK “The scourge of Communism in America” f
- THE11thROCK “The scourge of Communism in America” g
- New York Post “Media disgraceful in trying to suppress Post’s Hunter Biden reporting” h
- Saint Albans Messenger “Media is covering up massive voter fraud” i
- The Federalist “China-Funded Facebook Fact-Checker Is Now Censoring Criticism Of Its Fake Fact Checks” j
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